Remember these tips as you search for the perfect location for your custom home.
Everyone knows that the most basic rule of real estate is that it all comes down to location (location, location!). This is also true when you’re building a custom home. Finding the right location for a custom home can be difficult and time-consuming, but it is worth the work. Not only does the location for your custom home need to be someplace that you love (with beautiful views, for instance), but it has to be in the right area (close to work, school, or family), have the proper infrastructure (an area with no existing power or internet utilities will be more difficult to build in), and preferably provide incentive (energy efficient design incentives can help offset some of the cost of custom building). Read on for tips for finding the best location for your ideal custom home.
Start Big
When looking for the location where you want to build, start with the big-picture questions: what city and state do you want to build in? If you want to stay relatively local to where you currently are (like in your same state), consider which counties are options for you. Do you need to be close to a major metro area for work, or at least near a highway to get there? Use those to locate the general areas you want to look at and then visit them.
Narrow Down With Details
Once you choose a few general areas, narrow down some of the small details you’re looking for. Does it have to be near an excellent school system? Do you know for a fact that you want to live in an urban, suburban, or rural area? Do you need there to be at least one grocery store that is less than 15 minutes away? How is the cell phone service in each of the areas that you’re considering? These might seem like insignificant details, but if they are important to you or your lifestyle, they are a good way to narrow your list of locations.
Involve Your Custom Home Builder
If you’ve already started finding the right custom home builder to partner with, involve them in the search process. Once you get to the point where you are trying to find the specific lots that you might buy, a professional custom home builder can be an important resource. They will know to look for things and ask questions that you might not. There is nothing worse than falling in love with a piece of land and then having your builder tell you it is going to be impractical to build there because of some detail you didn’t know to ask about. At T&G Builders, we can help you determine the best location for your custom home and guide you through designing this ideal new property.
Make Your Dream Home a Reality with T&G Builders
T&G Builders, located in Berlin, MD, has been a premier waterfront custom home builder and home improvement contractor serving Worcester and Sussex Counties for over 25 years. We are a locally owned and operated business known for our uncompromising commitment to quality, our passion for using innovative technology and premium materials to complete projects, and our exceptional attention to detail. In addition to building custom homes, we also specialize in remodeling your current house into your dream home! Our skilled team can assess your needs, determine the right design for your addition or improvement, and complete the entire construction process.
To see what your dream home could look like and receive a free home design, contact us today! Don’t forget to follow T&G Builders on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Houzz.